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11. 4. 2014.


This is a muscle in which the true maximum of mistakes , because a lot of people doing a benchpress and so develop only part of the breast muscle . This padding will help you develop the entire pectoral muscle in all its aspects in order to get the most gorgeous breasts in their full glory and beauty. First, the muscles of the chest are divided into superficial and deep . Group superficial muscles of the chest wall extends from the chest to the bones of the shoulder belt . The front wall of the chest is large pectoral muscle ( m. pectoralis major) , below which are small pectoral muscle ( m. pectoralis minor) and subclavian muscle ( m. subclavius ) . Deep group of muscles of the chest are medurebarni muscles , external and internal ( mm. external intercostal et internal) . Anatomy of the breast is important but it is not crucial for the design tretninga because training designed to segments of the muscle . In the gym you can often hear the term as "upper chest" or " lower chest" or "middle of the chest or chest depth ." Since the superficial pectoral muscles are the chest , the large part of the surface of the chest means that it is not possible to stimulate a Micic at once because the muscle in training usually distinguish the upper trug , the central part of the chest and lower chest . This division should be taken very conditional , because it is not a consequence of the anatomy of the muscle , but the consequences of adapting our training to the existing muscle. Or set the angle from which the muscle is the best guess . See the picture . Part of the marked lines Crvena the upper part of the chest and on the best hits sloping bench and oblique stretching , some marked with yellow lines is very important because it influences the massive pectoral muscles , their depth and did the best flat bench press, your couch on cables or dumbbells , a part of the designated green line hits the best exercises such as decay or kontrakosi thrust . At the end of the training always stretch the chest , or have completed a couple of series pullover , great exercises that will achieve exactly this effect .

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